Special bucket
Rake bucket
Ideal tool in brushing and grinding operations.
Gap between the blades 60 mm
Weight 35 kgs
* Compatible with all versions
Ripper tooth
The Ripper tooth is the ideal accessory for all hard ground work. It allows to scrape and prepare compact and stony ground. The ripper tooth is also used in green spaces to make very small trenches (laying of buried sheaths) and the removal of trees.
Blade of 15 mm
Height 30 cm
Weight 12 kgs
* Compatible with all versions
skeleton bucket
The skeleton bucket is designed to sort pebbles and inert materials from the ground. By shaking the machine arm, tilting will cause the material of smaller size to fall to the distance of the blades.
Bucket of 40 cm (standard size, modifiable on estimate)
Gap between the blades 40 mm
Weight 22 kgs
* Compatible with all versions
Godet rateau
Vidéo réalisée par mini-bagr.cz
Dent ripper
Vidéo réalisée par mini-bagr.cz
Godet chargeur
Vidéo réalisée par JCP Creator
Doigt de manutention
Vidéo réalisée par JCP Creator